Caerphilly, South Wales
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Professional Tree Services

Ash Tree Dieback

As the disease is moving quickly throughout the local area, we thought we’d give you some info on what is happening. What is it? Ash dieback is a disease of Ash trees (Fraxinus Excelsior) caused by the fungus Chalara Fraxinea. The disease causes leaf loss and crown dieback in affected trees and leads to the hosting trees death. Ash is a very important tree in the…
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Chepstow Dock Clearance

The old Chepstow docks is set for development of approximately 350-400 homes. Prior to any works commencing here the docks needed to be stripped of vegetation, to aid surveying and future building requirements. The task included clearing large areas of trees and shrubs under ecological supervision. There was an old wall running (200m) along one…
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Ty Fry Farm

First Stage Prior to the proposed housing development at Ty Fry Farm in Lougher areas of the site had to be cleared of vegetation. Further to this the remaining trees needed tree protective fencing installed and the site secured with Heras fencing.  Consisting of several old farm fields the majority of the vegetation was along…
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St Cyres School

Phase 1  In preparation for the redevelopment of St Cyres School in Dynas Powys areas of vegetation at the site had to be cleared in order for construction to take place. Further to ecological surveying the site was found to have Dormouse habitat present along with potential bat roosting.  Summer clearance began in September through…
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Llantarnum Poplar Removal

During February we we’re requested to remove a line of 19 Lombardy Poplars (Poplus Negra Italica). Council approval was given after a survey was carried out and they were deemed to be dangerous as they were approaching the end of their life span and posing a risk to surroundings. On one side a rail line…
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